My Approach

I see therapy as a tool to help people navigate this complex world in a way that’s connected to their authentic self. Therapy can help people process pain, manage depression and anxiety, find inner strength, and create stronger relationships.

My hope is that our therapeutic relationship can guide you in establishing new, healthier patterns of living.

I bring a warm and relational approach to my work and have deep respect for the clients with whom I work. In the early part of my career, I focused on working with children, adolescents, adults and families that had experienced significant trauma. This work provided me with a foundation to successfully help people dealing with a variety of issues.

In a culture of toxic positivity, we can feel forced to constantly find silver linings, the opportunity for growth or the lesson in our suffering . I know how lonely and damaging this can be. While there is undoubtedly wisdom to be found in adversity and resilience, we can often feel pressure to make our pain and trauma more tolerable for others.

I believe finding a place to be witnessed in our hardships is central to the healing process.

I can be this place for you.


About Me

I have always been interested in the resilience and complexity of the human spirit. I have sought out training and experiences to understand how to help people through life’s challenges with hope and purpose. Through Dr. Bruce Perry’s  work on the neurosequential model, I have extensive training on how trauma and relationships impact the brain. This training has provided me with a scientific lens to understand a person’s response to trauma. Additionally, I have training in the Internal Family Systems model and CBT.

 I earned my Masters in Social Work from the University of Texas at Austin. I am also a certified yoga teacher and this training influences my work by focusing on mindfulness, self-compassion and the body’s connection to mental health and trauma.

In addition to formal training, my life experiences as a griever, new mom, spouse, empath and fellow human help guide my work and connect me with my clients.

When I’m not working, I’m daydreaming about my next adventure  and spending time with my husband, daughters and dogs, Ziggy and Boo Radley.